State Machine Managers

Do you have a system where you need to maintain a bunch of state that needs to respond to multiple concurrent events?

Let's talk about how these things can be put together while trying to keep complexity under control.

TL:DR: borrowing the operating system's approach for handling interrupts to manage other systems where state is coordinated from multiple concurrent sources is a handy, well-understood shorthand.


Here are some useful building blocks you can look at to get a sense of the breadth and depth of options and prior art that exist.

Keeping event ("interrupt") handlers split into capture and processing helps preserve the 'state transitions are atomic' property that you want in your state machines. Where you can't maintain that property (because say an event signals a cancelation that needs to be processed immediately), you can introduce additonal states and transitions to capture these as independent events.

An Example

To avoid making this too abstract, here is a classic implementation you might see. I'm using the Win32 threadpool APIs for simplicity, and I'm setting it to an at-most one thread to make sure there is no chance of concurrent access (ref).

// Put your state machine in one of these.
struct FooState { int id; int state; int data; int newData; };

// We implement a manager with a single-threaded consumer.
struct FooManager {
  // Keep state in array, vector, list, etc.
  FooState[MAX_FOO_STATES] states;
  // Support for scheduling work on-demand and on timer.
  PTP_POOL pool;
  PTP_TIMER timer;
  PTP_WORK work;
  // Simple 'manager' flag
  bool running;

  // start processing state machines
  void start() {
    pool = CreateThreadpool();
    SetThreadpoolThreadMaximum(pool, 1);
    // create a work item to be posted to do work
    work = CreateThreadpoolWork(do_work_fn, this, nullptr);
    // start a timer to do work regularly (for timeouts and such)
    timer = CreateThreadpoolTimer(do_work_fn, this, nullptr);
    SetThreadpoolTimer(timer, next_due_time(), 1000, 100); // recur every seond with 100ms allowed delay
    running = true;

  // pack and go home
  void stop() {
    running = false;

  // API for event handlers to register new data
  void updateNewData(int id, int newData) {
    // capture the new state but don't process right away;
    // we could wait for the timer to process this, but here we
    // schedule something right away as well
    find_state(id)->newData = newData;
    if (running) {
      // could check to avoid over-scheduling, but ok for this case

  // look at all state machines and handle any transitions
  void do_work(){
    // we get to do whatever we want with state, single-threaded
    for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_FOO_STATES; ++i) {
      if (states[i].newData != 0) {
        // do something with the new data
        states[i].newData = 0; // you might want to make this thread-safe

  // turn a C callback into a C++ one
  static void CALLBACK do_work_fn(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE instance, void* ctx, PTP_TIMER t) {

// Handle events like this:
FooManager g_FooManager;
void onSomeEvent(int fooId, int newData) {
  g_FooManager.updateNewData(fooId, newData);

I should really write the moral equivalent to this level of threadpool functionality in STL-based C++ someday, and maybe flesh it out fully so I can show how to manage startup/shutdown safely - this isn't robust if events and start/stop requests can come in concurrently or reordered. But hopefully this gets the idea across.

Here I'm managing events by simply recording it in the state machine and 'grooming' them regularly. In real code, I might want to have the ability to read/write lock the whole thing or just the 'new data' portion to avoid losing updates. Alternatively there might be a queue on each state machine (or at the manager level) on what work needs to be done, and then the worker can grab the whole list atomically.

Yet another alternative could be to keep the data in each state-machine (if I can guarantee it's bound, so I can keep the data there), and then build a worklist of the entries that need processing via an intrusive linked list. This design makes it efficient to only walk the elements that need any work or some particular kind of work; depending on your needs, you might keep the items on a list that's reflective of their state or their upcoming work needs.

While the sort of 'new data' approach is usually simpler to reason about in terms of resource utilization (because they are bounded), you end up needing lists of events when the order is important and must be preserved. In the general case, that opens you up for queue handling considerations (reordering, coalescing, pacing, throttling reception, applying backpressure), but that's a tale for another day.

Why this is simpler

React Patterns thoughts

I've used React a bit and I'm somewhat familiar with some of the patterns, although I wouldn't consider myself an expert by any stretch. React is also very much about state management and responding to events, and so I think some thoughts are still reasonable to lay down.

You could certainly build something like React with the design mentioned above, however React has stronger opinions on a number of things (and thus precludes some options where it has already made a tradeoff).

Happy state management!

Tags:  designperf
