Timeline diagrams with PlantUML

I've been focused a lot on performance at work recently, and have been toying around with different tools to quickly put together diagrams where we show a timeline of events.

One tool that intrigues me and I hope to use regularly is PlantUML.

Getting Started

To use, simply download the JAR file, and then you can use the command line to either produce diagrams from text descriptions, or bring up a GUI that will let you quickly iterate on that.

To generate diagrams as PNG files, run it as java -jar plantuml.jar file1 file2 file3

To bring up the GUI and select a directory to monitor for changes to render, run java -jar plantuml.jar -gui

Timing Diagrams

There are a lot of diagram types you can use with PlantUML, but the one that we'll use is timing diagrams.

Here is a simple diagram that has a simplified model of the Unity loop.

concise "Simplified Unity Loop" as SUL

SUL is Physics

SUL is "Input Events"

SUL is "Game Logic"

SUL is "Scene Render"

SUL is End

SUL is "Frame+1"



Let's look at how to address some common scenarios.

How do I model interactions?

To show how two processes interact on the timeline, use an arrow syntax as in this example.

robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU -> WB : URL
WU is Waiting
WB is Processing

WB is Waiting

Adding Message

What if I don't know the specific timings?

You can hide the time axis and then just adjust to give some sense of proportion.

hide time-axis
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Absent

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok

Hide time axis

How do I adjust text to fit?

You can change the scale to give yourself more room.

concise "Simplified Unity Loop" as SUL
scale 1 as 100 pixels

SUL is Physics

SUL is "Input Events"

SUL is "Game Logic"

SUL is "Scene Render"

SUL is End

SUL is "Frame+1"


SUL scaled

Alternatively, you can shorten the text and then add a small note above.

concise "Simplified Unity Loop" as SUL

SUL is Physics

SUL is "input": input events

SUL is "Game Logic"

SUL is "Scene Render"

SUL is End

SUL is "Frame+1"



You can add a UML note style and declare to be on top or bottom as well.

concise "Simplified Unity Loop" as SUL

SUL is Physics

SUL is "input"
note top of SUL: input events
note bottom of SUL: handle with care

SUL is "Game Logic"

SUL is "Scene Render"

SUL is End

SUL is "Frame+1"



If you're going to use lots of abbreviations, a legend is handy. You can also have titles, and footers for more context.

concise "Simplified Unity Loop" as SUL
P: physics
I: input
GL: game logic
SR: scene render
end legend

SUL is P

SUL is I



SUL is End

SUL is "Frame+1"



How do I zoom into something?

Everyone shares a timeline, so if you really want to zoom into some specific slice, you're better off with a second timeline diagram.

How do I call out specific points?

Using notes is one of the better ways of doing it, which you can place at the transition points.

How do I call out specific ranges?

Use an arrow with two ends syntax as in this example.

robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}

Adding Constraint

Alternatively, use a highlight.

concise "Simplified Unity Loop" as SUL

SUL is Physics

SUL is "Input Events"

SUL is "Game Logic"

SUL is "Scene Render"

SUL is End

SUL is "Frame+1"

highlight 4 to 7 #LightGreen: C# code



Happy diagramming!

Tags:  designperf
