Emacs and MS Graph

OK, so in the prior post we discussed how to run a program asynchronously, and in particular how to call into our powershell script.

Today we're going to put everything together into a proper package we can use.


Let's create a file in ~/mymsgraph.el. We'll be able to load this file as we prototype with load-file interactively.

We'll start with a good top banner:

;;; mymsgraph.el --- Functions for Microsoft Graph API access -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

Reading Data

Next, let's add a more heavily parameterized version of what we had before. Note that I'm still hard-coding the scopes here, which is something you'll probably want to have callers pass in.

(defun mymsgraph-read-url (url callback)
  "Reads a URL from the Microsoft Graph API and calls back with a parsed JSON object."
  (let ((scopes "user.read openid profile offline_access"))
    (setq myproc (start-process "graphmacs" nil "powershell.exe" "-NoLogo" "-NonInteractive" "-ExecutionPolicy" "Bypass" "-File" (expand-file-name "~/graphmacs.ps1")))
    (setq result "")
    (set-process-filter myproc
                        (lambda (process output)
                            (setq result (concat result output)))))
    (set-process-sentinel myproc
                          (lambda (process event)
                            (if (string-equal event "finished\n")
                                  (message "%s: %s" event result)
                                  (string-match "\\({.@odata.+\\)" result)
                                  (setq odata (match-string 1 result))
                                  (setq jresult (json-parse-string odata))
                                  (funcall callback jresult)

Basically, this is the kind of transform you do bit by bit when you're building something interactively this way. You can start with some hard-coded values for a specific case, then gradually make it more broadly usable and generic by parameterizing the behavior of your code.

Useful Functions

Now, we can actually put this into a more directly usable function, to do lookups on our contacts and display them in the active buffer. The first function here formats and inserts a result, and the second one is an interactive function that prompts for a display name, does the lookup, and calls our first function (via the callback parameter in mymsgraph-read-url).

(defun mymsgraph-insert-user-lookup-results (jresult)
  "Inserts a name and email representation from the given OData result."
  (insert (format "%s (%s) %s" (gethash "displayName" jresult) (gethash "mail" jresult) (gethash "mobilePhone" jresult))))

(defun mymsgraph-insert-user-lookup (display-prefix)
  "Inserts user information for for the given display prefix"
  (interactive "sDisplay name prefix: ")
  (mymsgraph-read-url (format "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/contacts?$filter=startswith(displayName,'%s')" display-prefix) 'mymsgraph-insert-user-lookup-results))

A few important things to note:

Finishing Touches

Finally, we'll end by declaring that we provide the mymsgraph API.

(provide 'mymsgraph)

Now, when you load the package, you can run M-x mymsgraph-insert-user-lookup, type in a name, and have it be looked up for you!

Happy MS Graph querying!

Tags:  codingemacs
