Hour of Code

Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science so anyone can learn the basics, have fun, and help us broaden participation.

Well, it's not one one-hour introduction; there are many one-hour tutorials, in different languages and for different ages.

I learned about the effort through our local school, and after seeing beloved child go through the "Dance Party" exercise, I have to say the experience was very positive. The exercise was engaging, fun, encouraged experimentation and self-expression, and did end up conveying a bunch of useful "ways of thinking" and structures that would translate well to coding.

The website even makes it easier to help host and promote your own event, or pitch in and help an existing effort.

Like everything these days, being together is more complicated than usual, but I'm looking forward to trying my hand at either running or help run one of these events with a broader audience. I've been to a similar event a long long time ago, and it's extremely satisfying to see the "oh I can do this" moment light up in someone's eyes.

Happy coding!

Tags:  codingsocial
