Admiring Code

Writing code is an art. If nothing else, coding is communication. We reflect our own limitations, we select ideas to focus on, we explain.

But code does not speak to human condition, so perhaps let's be more qualified here.

Independent of the ways in which code is art, it's obviously psosible to admire code as craft, as engineering, or as clean implementations of mathematical ideas.

A useful abstraction, a straightforward implementation, a pleasantly surprising discovery (an "a-ha!" moment) - these are all things experienced developers will have run into and appreciated.

There is something good about good code. There is something that feels wrong about bad code. We may not always be able to put it into words, and our tastes (which largely means 'our own experiences') have quite a bit of say in the amtter.

So celebrate the good code you come across in your work, and strive to leave something good behind, and sometimes beautiful.

Happy coding, fellow artists!

Tags:  codingdesign
