Sunk Costs in Software

Ignoring the effect of sunk costs in decision making leads to more expensive projects, longer development times, and lower quality. Here I'll try to help all of us stay on the lookout.

What are sunk costs?

Sunk costs are effectively "whatever you've spent/invested so far." This is time or money spent on something that you can't get back (you certainly can't take back time!) These stand in constrast to prospective costs, which are future ones that you may avoid or influence by taking action.

In principle, sunk costs these shouldn't factor in forward-looking plans, because how you get into a situation doesn't matter once you've taken your full current situation into account. Your best plan only depends on your current alternatives, which will influence future outcomes.

How does this play out in practice?

In practice, people do take sunk costs into account. Once you've embarked on a course and spent time and money on it, it's common to want to continue down that path, even if that's no longer the best coures at some point.

When the sunk cost weighs on a selecting a future decision, we refer to this as the sunk cost fallacy or sunk cost bias.

Why do people do that? Here are some common reasons.

A specific, well-known example was the Concorde fallacy, where UK and France continued to spend money on the project even after there was no case for it.

How does this apply to software development?

This one we can figure out from first principles - you might see this anywhere that costs are incurred.

Now, I'm not saying that any of the follow-up exclamations above are always wrong. But they aren't justified by the effort put in the past!

Ignore your sunk costs, and happy swimming!

PS: The Behavioral Insights Team, funded by the UK government, has a very nice review of sunk cost bias and some other biases that can affect project decision-making over here.

Tags:  management
